生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄。至今思项羽,不肯过江东。”----李清照Today I visited the former residence of Xiang Yu (232 BC- 202 BC), the King of Western Chu, an upright, loyal and trustworthy hero.
生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄。至今思项羽,不肯过江东。”----李清照Today I visited the former residence of Xiang Yu (232 BC- 202 BC), the King of Western Chu, an upright, loyal and trustworthy hero.
生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄。至今思项羽,不肯过江东。”----李清照Today I visited the former residence of Xiang Yu (232 BC- 202 BC), the King of Western Chu, an upright, loyal and trustworthy hero.,歴史を繋ぐ道~シルクロード~(1)_中国国際放送局,歴史を繋ぐ道~シルクロード~(1)_中国国際放送局,歴史を繋ぐ道~シルクロード~(1)_中国国際放送局,生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄。至今思项羽,不肯过江东。”----李清照Today I visited the former residence of Xiang Yu (232 BC- 202 BC), the King of Western Chu, an upright, loyal and trustworthy hero.